Saturday, December 31, 2011

Backported Discogs changes in 1.0.10

According to this Discogs page, the API used for querying the site in MP3 Diags stable up to 1.0.9 and MP3 Diags Unstable up to 1.1.08 will be turned off on January 15th. So I changed the code to use the new API. The unstable branch got the change in 1.1.09. Since it worked OK for me and I didn't receive any complaints from anybody else, I assumed it was OK and I backported the change to the stable branch, in version 1.0.10.

So anybody who wants to use the Discogs integration after January 15th 2012 should have one of these versions (or something newer, as I release them): 1.1.09 unstable or 1.0.10.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Discogs API and various fixes in 1.1.09

The API that was used until now by MP3 Diags is supposed to be turned off, so I switched to the new one for the Unstable branch. This is just about how the program works internally; the user experience shouldn't change. Discogs queries for the Stable branch will probably stop working in the immediate future, at which point I'm going to backport the changes from the Unstable branch, if that seems to work fine. My tests went OK, but they weren't very comprehensive, so it would be a good idea for anyone who finds issues with querying Discogs in both branches to let me know about it.

Other changes:
  • Copying song info from ID3V1 to ID3V2 no longer assumes Latin-1, but allows the user to specify a codepage
  • I fixed a crash caused by ID3V2.4 tags with invalid flags
  • A few other minor fixes